Someone Must Die! Mauhhahaha!

Okay.  I'm writing way too fast and now I have HUGE holes in the entire plot and it's like reading a different language now.
I had to go back and make someone die.
I bet some of you are screaming at me right now.
Sorry, plot holes suck.  And not in a good way.

On a good note, my 2 and 6 year old daughters received a package today with something they have been waiting for...for days (or as my 6 year old explains it 236 Kabillion years.)  Cuddle-up-its.  Those blanket-puppet things.  Hailey, my 6 year old has named hers Fushia Grace.  Emmy, my two year old named hers ShanePoppit.  I think I talk about this book too much...


  1. Keep writing lady!!! It will come together. I also follow the bible (aka Maryse's and found YOUR book. Read it in a day....LOVED IT!!! NEED MORE!!!

    My daughters (2 & 4) love their Cuddle-up-its (damn those Cartoon Network commercials), but my girls love them. :)

  2. OMG!!!!!!! I absolutely adored " fall from grace" and I am positively DYING. To read the sequel!!!!!!! It's ok if someone dies just plz not Grace or Shane Lea or Connor!!!

  3. Please hurry... I never saw that ending coming and I need more NOW!!!! :)


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