To My Editor And Beyond!
Okay, so if you're not a friend of mine on Facebook this is me telling you what I've told my facebook friends this morning. SAVING GRACE is in the hands of my EDITOR! Yay! This may take a few weeks, depending on how craptabulous my grammar is. Which, I'm telling ya, is CRAPTABULOUS! She goes through my sentence structure and my horrible habit of typing the entirely wrong homophones, even though I usually know the difference I just type too darn fast for my brain. Or is it my brain tells the story too darn fast for my big fat fingers? I dunno. And remember my two year old loves to kick me and sit behind me on my chair while I type. Anyway a bunch of you ladies have been asking me all about it, and you're waiting very patiently (thank you). God, I hope I don't let you down. The story is definitely a continuation of Fall From Grace. It continues exactly where Grace left off, and hell no it's not going to be so easy for a happily ever a...